Training For Adversity

In this post we discuss the importance of training for adversity and offer some suggestions.
The stoics were big on training for adversity.

The Stoics believed that comfort was a kind of death.

Training for adversity was their mantra.

Seeking challenges above and beyond everyday life is how they suggest we train.

You’ve heard it before…”get comfortable being uncomfortable.”

How do we do this?

Here are some suggestions:

  • We look for the hard things and tackle them with purpose and intention not avoid them.
  • Stop complaining. Even to yourself, just don’t complain at all. That’s hard in itself.
  • Still your mind. You are better at literally everything when you are calm and centered. Very difficult to do but worth it.
  • Push your body to its limits. Maybe the hardest thing of all.
  • Practice patience. This one will be harder for some than others.
  • Do the right thing always. We all know how hard this is.

Hope this helps someone.


Steve Miller

Entrepreneur, writer. Founder at The Manly Club website, leader of The Manly Club Facebook Group with over 17,000 members. Outdoor enthusiast, weather buff, muscle car lover, cabin nut. Loving life up here in the PNW (Oregon) with my beautiful wife and two young sons.

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